come fly with me, let's fly let's fly away...

come fly with me, let's fly let's fly away...

do you have something to celebrate?

or want to make this Australian experience extra special?

take your tour with us up a level to new heights by adding-on a helicopter ride at the 12 Apostles

choose how many passengers in your booking want the heli ride, once you’ve selected a tour date it will give cart options to advise how many

if you’ve lready booked your tour & now just want to add the heli ride… you can try this below

12 apostles helicopters

This is a spectacular 16 minute flight over the 12 Apostles site with 5 landmarks covered for $165 - see the providers’ website if you would like more information

When booking with us you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions & no refund policy within 3 days of the provider 12 Apostles Helicopters (we accept no liability as agent)

There is no age restriction. The ride must be pre-booked 3 days before the tour with us to avoid line waits & secure a suitable time

ok, so you’ve already booked your tour with us - but now you want to add-on the heli ride too - you can still do this up to 3 days before your tour date here - select the tour date you’re already booked on with us

(this availability is not live to the providers system)

Don’t book a heli ride with us if you’re not doing a tour with us - go direct to the 12 Apostles Helicopters website to do that & make your own way there. Only book with us to make it possible when you’re on our tours

Searching Availability...

haven’t yet booked a tour? click here instead